Your Customer’s Golden Sandbox
This is what your client’s golden sandbox looks like — are you ready to capture their attention? What speck of glitter are you?
Think of your customers as lovers of shiny things. It’s not their fault. Remember, all marketing is created to help products, people, services, locations, ideologies, politics – literally everything shine brighter. It’s designed to capture attention. Because there are so many shiny things, people want to build BIGGER SHINIER THINGS ALWAYS. Sometimes spending more energy on the marketing than on the innovation of a product. And, if you have a lot of money than you can sprinkle your marketing in more markets, diversifying your customer base – making your reach much wider than that of your competitors.
Here’s the issue with everything and everyone being shiny: If you take a handful of glitter and sprinkle it on the floor, then the landscape glimmers and is pretty – but it all blends. That’s your current digital marketing landscape – BLENDED ATTENTION. Most people already think that the digital ad landscape is an overwhelming mess – that’s the same way your customer feels when they need to make a purchasing decision. OVERWHELMED.
Which is why pouring vast amounts of capital into digital ads is NOT the answer. It starts to become static noise that is serves as a reminder and not really a driver of action.
So, let’s go back to the glitter analogy. You and your business in this metaphor are an individual sparkley SPECK in a mountain mess of gliterrati.
How can a customer tell each individual glitter a part? From a bird’s eye view – they can’t. They must inspect each and every individual piece with a magnifying glass to understand the differences.
If we tell your customer to pick one of those sparkles individually off the floor and give a lot of money to it, how do they decide? That’s where thought leadership, your philosophy, branding, marketing, customer service, product benefits, cost analysis differentiates you. But, not if you are a cookie cutter lover of template marketing (displayer of other people’s family photos – click here to see our post Template Marketing: to understand why using industry templates instead of creating your own branding is like displaying another random family’s portrait in your home).
If there is nothing distinct about you or your product, then why should your customer stay.
Every customer already has their own golden sandbox. Think of their phones as their own personal golden. Filled with golden mountains of glitter. You are competing for their attention. You are competing against fun games, entertainment, socializing, their parents text/yelling at them for every reason under the sun, them finding 15 soul mates (Tinder), all their meal and snack times (food ordering), Tik Tok. You and your competitors are competing. What differentiates you?
QUICK ADHD SIDE NOTE: And, if your customer has ADHD – approximately 6.8% (366.3 million) of adults worldwide have been diagnosed with ADHD – you are really in the Olympics of glitter mountain back hill skiing against your competition for your customer’s attention (GOOD LUCK TO YOU).
It all begins with the right mindset: So, how do you not get disheartened and begin to sell to your customers in their sandbox? Well, it starts with the old adage, “(S)He was so good, (s)he was able to sell sand to the Arabs.” Marketing is about salesmanship – they go hand-in-hand. Once your mindset is in check, then you can begin marketing strategy and analysis.
Get empowered and give us a call to discuss some strategies to engage with your customers, get new clients, and capture attention and respect. Book a complimentary consultation session with us here: